Thursday, 23 April 2015

Mini Reviews

Thursday, 23 April 2015

I'm just not in the book for full reviews at the moment but, of course, I NEED to talk about the books that I've read recently so here are some more Mini Reviews.

Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater - Since this is the third book in a series I can't say too much for fear of spoiling anyone so without further ado: here we go. *Warning* Small spoiler that might count as a spoiler for some people even though it is technically revealed in the first book I think. You have been warned anyway. Proceed with caution. This series just gets better and better with every book. I'm going to give you my first thought when starting this book and my last thought when finishing it: 'Oh, shit'. The Raven Cycle could possibly be one of my favourite series ever. EVER. It's so good, IT'S SO GOOD. I need The Raven King like...right now. Please. Thanks. Blue Lily, Lily Blue was just FILLED with feels from Bluesy to Pynch to OT5 to The Grey Man JUST EVERYTHING. SO MANY FEELS. ALWAYS. And can I just say that I will miss Jesse. What a great character. I think he deserved a better ending than that, maybe a few tears, a memorial, a mention after the actual incident. It would've made me feel a lot better. I don't know how I'm meant to read another book after this. Nothing will compare to Blue Lily, Lily Blue. 5/5 Stars.

How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran - For those who pay attention to my 'Currently Reading' feature down the side of my blog you'd probably have noticed that I've been reading this for a while (alongside other books) and well, on the night that I finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue I made myself a vow that I would finish How To Be a Woman on that very night. So I did. How To Be A Woman is hilarious, it is hilariously clever and incredibly honest. There were things that Moran said in the book that I didn't agree with, but I think that's all part of it's charm. If you're a woman, a girl, a person with a vagina or even not...Read this book. It highlights all of the ridiculous sexism that women have to deal with throughout their lives from slut-shaming, the price of tampons and has a whole chapter on abortion that I absolutely loved. Read this book. Read it. 4/5 Stars.

The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J Maas - The Assassin's Blade is cruel. The Assassin's Blade is magnificently cruel. The Assassin's Blade is completely unforgiving and will slit your throat without even sparing a glimpse at your soon-to-be-rotting corpse. Only, The Assassin's Blade will do it wearing a lavish, dramatic cape, of course, you wouldn't expect anything less. The Assassin's Blade was everything I thought The Throne of Glass Novellas would be, and yet so much more. Within these five short stories I have loved and I have loved and I have lost. With every novella comes a fiercer brutality, with every chapter comes a deeper understanding of Adarlan's Assassin and who she used to be and why she had to be that way, with every page comes a undying love for Celaena Sardothien. I don't usually read novellas. I find them pointless and often times they don't add anything to the story as a whole (not to mention that I never read them in order so I end up confused) but I will not likely regret reading The Assassin's Blade any time soon, or at all. There were times throughout the book that I wanted to shake Celaena and kick her Assassin's butt into gear and make her realise who it really was that wanted her to fall but everything that I couldn't do has only made her stronger, Sam has made her stronger, Ansel has made her stronger, Arobynn has made her stronger and Endovier has made her stronger. Celaena, it was a pleasure. Sarah J Maas, thank you for ripping my heart out. 5/5 Stars.

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski - I wasn't sure what I was going to think of this book - I'd heard everyone saying good things about it so I figured that I was going to like it but I didn't know how I would feel about it, exactly. When it comes to fantasy and the like I usually have to be immersed in the book right from the start for me to feel any deep feelings towards the book and The Winner's Curse didn't do that. I was curious about it, I wanted to know about it, I wanted to know about Kestrel and Arin and Jess. I wanted to see where the book would go and I was shocked to realise that I really quite loved this book. It was different than other Fantasy reads because you know what is happening while it is happening, you know who the 'enemy' is from around 100 or so pages in so it leaves you wondering what the shock-factor will be, so to speak. I really enjoyed The Winner's Curse. Maybe not enough for me to rave about it or think about it for days to come, but enough to give it 4 stars and start looking at ordering The Winner's Crime. I'm excited to read the sequel and to see what happens to the characters because I did become invested in the characters that we read about through The Winner's Curse and I may have developed a little (big) crush on Arin and can I just say I SHIP IT. A LOT. So if you're up for a fun adventure which you're not quite sure where it's going to go and a ship that you want to invest time and emotions into then you should really get your hands on this book. Like, all over it. 4/5 Stars.


  1. Do I really want to read The Assassin's Blade now???


    1. DO IT. It's terrifying and heartbreaking and gruesome and TOTALLY WORTH IT.

  2. I did notice you had been reading How To Be a Woman for a long time and I just thought maybe you weren't really enjoying the book. Also BLLB!!! I think it's my favorite book of them all, tbh. I don't know what to think about The Assassin's Blade. I have read the first book of The Throne of Glass series so I guess I'll end up reading it eventually.The cover of the Winner's Curse looks soooo pretty!

    1. I don't often read Non-Fiction and I find it hard to get into a lot of the time so I like to take it slow otherwise I won't finish it hahaha. Blue Lily is incredible! Definitely my fave one so far. AND BLUESEY. AAAAAAAH.

      I wasn't sure about reading The Assassin's Blade either but it's definitely worth a shot. Especially if you plan to continue on with the ToG series because it does give an insight into who Celaena is and how she got the way she is. It's also just really badass so I mean if you ever want to read about a 16 year old girl kicking butt then you've got nothing to lose ;)

      Isn't it such a gorgeous cover??!?! The Winner's Crime is beautiful as well!
