Saturday, 31 December 2016

16 Things I've Learned In 2016

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Hello, it's Natalie. Back from the dead. Or at least that what it feels like now that I've been away for so long. I am, however, back with some good news that I hope will make me feel much better about posting on here from now on. Flowers In My Books is no longer a book blog. No, my friends, Flowers In My Books is now a wherever-the-mood-takes-me, lifestyle-fun-music-movies-rants-and-feminism-also-books blog. You may have noticed that I've been feeling a little uninspired with this blog lately, and since uni is taking over my reading schedule I wanted to make a change and I hope that you're as excited about this as I am.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Moving Out: Tips and Tricks

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

As some of you may know, I am a fully fledged child being forced to live on her own and make her own choices and decisions daily. Aka: I made the decision to move to University. Being as wise as I am about being an adult (i.e. not very) I wanted to share some tips and tricks that I could've done with during the whole adaption process.