Monday, 31 October 2016

Spoopy Week Day Three: Hello my name is G Dizzle to the Hizzle

Monday, 31 October 2016

Hello, I'm Georgia. I am Natalie's mom friend. I was considering properly introducing myself to you all but if we're honest that'll be incredibly boring, so instead I will tell you two things about my writing style:
1. I use brackets far too often. It's as if I have two writing voices running parallel to each other; the first one telling you all the facts and being sensible, and the one in brackets just throwing out some absolute wildcards and really slowing the discourse right down...kind of like when you're dragging a drunk friend home and they're saying some semi-funny stuff but they're not exactly pushing your journey in a forward motion, y'know?
2. I absolutely, more than anything ever, love puns. Like, you might think you're good at wordplay, but let me tell you, dear friends: I am better. I am super non-competitive in regards to basically everything else but pun-making? I reign supreme.

I apologise in advance for messing up Natalie's carefully curated layout with all of my weird bullet points and ridiculous photos and other such annoying things. Anyway, I think the time has come for me to, y'know, properly start this whole shebang. Here is the story of Halloween 2015.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Spoopy Week Day Two: Character's Halloween Outfits

Thursday, 27 October 2016
We've all imagined what our characters would do in terms of celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and we've seen a few celebrating their birthdays, but I've not seen anyone talk about which characters would be a Halloqueen so I'm here to push that along. Mostly, I just want to think about my faves in Halloween costumes.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Spoopy Week Day One: Halloween Playlist

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

I know, I've been gone for 10,000 years. But hopefully you can forgive me because I'm returning with something very special - my very own spoopy week. I wanted to celebrate Halloween and what better way to do it than with an entire week of (four) posts dedicated to Halloween and all things spoopy. You might also be treated to a guest post or two! Fun, right?